Friday, April 18, 2008

3 years and counting!!!! :-)

Today I celebrate my 3 year anniversary since I was diagnosed with breast cancer! I can hardly believe that 3 years has passed by! I am amazed at the goodness of God and how it has all come together for me! Not only did I find myself but most of all I found Jesus through it all! I am counting my blessings and asking God to continue to grant me many more years here on earth, although to go home would be even greater than anything that could be given to me here on earth! Here is my prayer for today!

Father thank you so very much for the blessing of life you have given me today and everyday, I pray that you will grant me more here on earth and when it is time for me to come home to be with you forever I will come with open arms! Thank you for Your strength and Your grace each and every day! Amen!

Keep the faith loved ones, God is watching and helping us thru the battles! I love you all and am thankful each and every day for all of you who are in my life! Blessings!



Anonymous said...

Priase the Lord for your continued wellness. It's amazing how fast the years go by, mine is 24 and counting, and honestly I never envisioned being able to see not only my children raised but to see each one of them marry, meet all 12of my grandchildren, and continue to enjoy great health.God truly is great and I'm so happy that you're still with us,Cathi.
I love you,

Anonymous said...

Praise God indeed! This is such wonderful news. It is hard to believe it has been three years. You are an inspiration Cathi. God bless you!