Sunday, October 26, 2008

Husband's experiment

We decided to stay home from church today because it is VERY COLD and the wind is blowing at about 50 mph so it is hollowing in our house. Jason decided that he was going to try a new bread recipe (I tried one yesterday and it doesn't even look good so I haven't even tried it to see if it tastes good, if it looks bad than in my opinion it won't taste good). So his bread looks good we will see if it tastes good! I am also baking a cake this afternoon. We are experimenting as my birthday is coming up this week and I am still on the look out for a great homemade recipe. We will see if this is the one or not. Anyway....enjoy the pics!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it looks good but jason made it so i dont think i would dare try it i would leave it sit on the table and look pretty for thanksgiving