Thursday, October 23, 2008

Where I have been.....

I am sorry for not posting recently! Life has been a struggle lately! I am finding it hard to find my way and what I should be doing. I am struggling and fighting with God daily over some of the little things. I realize that we are here on this earth but for a little while, our time is a vapor, here today gone tomorrow but even still......there are days. I am resisting what needs to be done and what I want to do. I know what God is telling me but......again I am resisting, I only want things my way! Who doesn't want things their own way????? I need to be still and rest in His arms. Everyday is a battle and everyday I must surrender to Him all of it! I am glad that I have tomorrow off, a day to regroup and refresh myself. It seems as though I have been everywhere and anywhere but home. I have been of lately the Mr/Mrs./dinner server/laundry doer/shower giver/put to bed person/make sure all of the homework is done of the household and that has been very frustrating and has also put a bit of a strain on the marriage front. I am only being honest here. I love my husband dearly but something has to give. So I apologize with not posting more but really how wants to read a post about nothing fun only compliants???? I sure wouldn't, so things are moving forward and in a different direction we will see which way it goes and how it goes. My husband is suppose to be around in the evenings more now so that should help with the load of everything else. I still need to seek my Father about His will for my job, my life and my kids. But for now....I am around, I am alive and I am seeking! I love you and will try to post more often, if I don't.....well that just means that life has gotten the best of me again. God's blessings on each and every one of you!


1 comment:

Kath- said...

We have all been there. I could really relate to a lot you said. I am glad I am not the only one who feels that way sometimes. We went to fireproof lastnight and we both shed a few tears.