Thursday, November 6, 2008

Great Thoughts

I read this blog tonight and thought that it spoke true to what I have been feeling the last few days. I encourage you to take the time to read this blog post. Even though this election turned out the way it did (and let me tell you EVERYONE in our household was disappointed) we know and trust in our Faithful and Sovereign Lord. He knew how this would end, this was in His plan. We are not to understand or question it but instead we are to trust. As we got down on our knees with our children we reminded them that they needed to include our president-elect in their prayers. To hear those little voices praying for him was powerful. I know that the Lord hears and answers prayers in His timing. We live in a country that was founded on Christian Values, and those values have slowly been stripped from us. As Christians we can no longer stand back and hope that someone else will do the job that we are commanded to do in the Bible. We need to stand up for our beliefs, our values and our rights and we need to take back OUR COUNTRY!!!! We also need to be the voice for the unborn, for they have no choice or a voice. I have seen plenty of abortion footage over the last few weeks to last me a lifetime. Life is life no matter what stage it is. Even in the womb. I ask tonight that you will pray for our new elected president. Pray that his heart will be changed while he is in office, pray that he will make sound decisions for our country and that he will not fail. The bible commands us to love the person but hate the sin. So from this day forward, I will pray for our new president, I will continue to hate the sin that he represents but love the person that God sees him to be. I will try to look at President-Elect Obama through the eyes of God. Have a wonderful evening!


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