Saturday, November 22, 2008

I DID IT!!!!!

I got my Christmas shopping all done TODAY!!!! Jason and I finished the last of it this morning while the kids were at Grandma's. What a relief! This year we decided to handle the holiday different. We are trying to show our kids that Christmas is not about the presents but instead about the birth of a baby that came to save the world from sin. We told the children that Santa WAS NOT going to visit our house this year and they were all okay with it. We also decided it was high time to STOP lying to them about Santa, so we told Mikayla the sad news. Overall she took it very well but was a bit confused by it all. Her and I were shopping last Saturday after a funeral for a person I used to work with and she found some really cute stocking stuffer ideas at Crossroads and so I told her that those would be good ideas to put in the stockings. She looked at me all confused and said "but Santa isn't coming to our house", so I told her that just because Santa wasn't making his stop there that we were still going to put our stockings out and mom and dad would fill them with goodies. That got a smile from her, her smile is enough to melt your heart!!! So this year (as we have been doing for the last couple of years) but even more this year. We are celebrating a birthday. We will make our Happy Birthday Jesus cake and we will make the day about Him. Because truly isn't that the real reason for the season? Make Christ first this Christmas, see how truly joyous it can be without all the commercialism! Have a wonderful evening!


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