Saturday, January 3, 2009


Now that we have told our parents, I can finally post some changes in the Bottelberghe household this year! We are only 3 days into the new year and there are already changes that are coming our way! With that being said.......

Our children will spend the next 4 1/2 months in the public school system and then it will be no more. We will be homeschooling them starting next school year (August 2009). This is a decision that we have been talking/praying/crying (me of course not Jason) over for months now. I have been on the homeschooling kick for 3 years now but it seems that other things have factored into my decision to not pursue it any further. Before we went back to school this past summer, I had this nudging to really and truly check into this time. So that is what I did. I have been reading, reseaching and talking with other who homeschool, along with that we have been praying about it profusly! We feel that this is the direction that the Lord is taking us and we need to be obedient! It will be a very interesting fall coming up but one that we know is the right decision! The kids are excited and very receptive to this new task we will take on! Our children we feel will learn more effectivly in a home environment, there have been so many things that have gone on at the school with our kids that we know that this is the right decision!

We hope that you will all be receptive and open to our decisions. Our parents are reserved of course and maybe a little on the pessimistic side and that is okay we vaule them even if they don't agree with some of the decisions that we make with our kids. We want our children to value their faith, morals and all that a relationship with Christ entails and in the public school system that is not happening. We feel that public schools are good for some but for us we feel differently! We love all of our family and friends and we value your thoughts! So feel free to leave us a comment if you choose! We welcome them all!

Have a great Saturday night!



Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the family, they usually can see the fruits that come from homeschooling. :) I do understand though. Only you and Jason know what is best for YOUR kids, that's why their your kids. You'll do great. I'm so happy for you and the children.

Laura Rupp said...

Congrats on your decision. I know I am always open to the idea of homeschooling. But, so far, God has blessed us by being where we are. But, it is evident God is moving you in this direction.Blessings to you as you prepare.

Feeling better now?

Jolene said...

You have my full and complete support. I believe you are following God's plan for your life and are making the right decision based upon your point in life. I am with you 100%.