Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My computer is FINALLY fixed and I will be picking it up tonight! I am so ready to be done with the kids' EXTREMELY slow computer. Not to mention I have missed all the other things that I can do with my computer. Oh the joys of technology! So I am off to get mine back tonight and to get it back up and running tomorrow night. I have had a good week so far and hard to believe that tomorrow is Thursday already! UMM....where does the time go? We are finally closing on our house Friday which means that our March payment will finally be lower! YES!!!! Nothing makes me happier than to shave some money off of something on the budget and apply that extra money somewhere else. I have had SO MUCH fun teaching piano lessons this week and I am not even done yet. I have my last student on Friday. They have been a breeze and will be easy to work with! That is a BLESSING!!! Jason and I are going out Friday night with some friends from church for a comedy show and dinner. We are pretty excited not only to just get away from the kids but to also do it with close friends! It should be a good time. I can't believe that February is almost over with and there is only a little over a week left of the month! What in the world? Time moves way to fast sometimes and other times it just doesn't move fast enough! That is it for us for the week. Watch for that cheering video to be up and running this weekend (hopefully). That still remains to be seen. We will see how it goes. Anyway...have a wonderful Wednesday!


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