Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday!

to my baby! I can hardly believe that she is 5 years old today! Oh my where have the last 5 years gone! It seems like just yesterday that she was this tiny baby in my arms! Keara, you are growing up so fast! Always remember that we love you with all our hearts and soul!

Keara 1 month old

3 months old

6 months old

Almost 1 1/2

4 years old

And today!

Happy Birthday baby girl! I love you to the end of this earth and back!!!

1 comment:

Linda Enright said...

Happy Birthday, Ms. Keara
I agree with your Mom, how fast you're growing up and what a complete joy you are to have in our family. Your sweet smile,and your contagious "giggle" makes the miles between us so much more than they are. We love you more than words can express and so happy to have you a part of our lives.
We love you,
Grandpa & Grandma E