Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fun in the sun....

Last Saturday (8/8) we were invited to Lake Hendricks by Jason's boss Bob and his wife Jeanette to go skiing, tubing on the lake. What a good time we all had even if the day didn't start out very favorable. It was extremely foggy and a little on the cool side, even though the weather had called for sunny, hot and humid weather for the day! We were able to get on the lake around 10:30 or so and wow it was such a good time. Colby even attempted to try skiing, the first one to volunteer! We were so proud of him, even though he was never able to get up on the water, we were still proud that he was willing to give it a try! Briana also attempted to ski and for never have been on them she faired well also. She almost had it! I also attempted to get up on skiis. Haven't been on them since the summer before my senior year (1992), yes it has been a long time. It was fun trying even if I was never able to get up either. Then we swan in the lake for awhile and then the kids got to go tubing! They enjoyed that! The kids enjoyed themselves immensely! I can't believe how nice it was just to hang out and not do anything but have a nice relaxing time on the lake, away from home for a little while! I am posting pics from the day! Enjoy! We are almost done with week 2 and we are still surviving! Each day gets easier and easier and we are slowly working into a schedule! Still trying to work out curriculum kinks but that will come with time (I hope). are the pics from our adventure last weekend. Thank you so much for inviting us Bob and Jeanette, we had such a great time!


Heading to the lake

Colby getting ready to ski (the water was a bit cold at first).

Getting used to the water.....brrrr......

Getting ready

Getting the skis on

Ready to for the camera buddy!

Showing Colby what he needs to do...(unfortunately Jason didn't get any pics of Colby trying to ski) :(

Me attempting to ski now...thankfully Jason didn't get any pics of me trying..would have been a site to see ;)

Briana's attempt at skiing...getting her ready

Almost had it......

Almost again.....

Swimming and horsing around in the water before tubing.....

Colby and Briana tubing together.....

Me and Keara tubing together.....(Keara's face is priceless) LOVE IT!!!!

Mikayla and Briana tubing together.....

What a blast the whole day was! The kids had so much fun, as you can tell by their facial expressions throughout the pics but not only that Jason and I had fun right along with them. I hope you enjoyed the pics!

Friday, August 7, 2009

First week down....

I can hardly believe that we have 1 week of school down already! Holy cow, it just FLEW by! We are SLOWLY settling into a routine, a strange one at that. But it is SO MUCH fun to work one on one with little ones and watch as they try to process something or not process it. I am watching Colby making big strides in reading (we have gone back to the basics and started over). That is his goal this year is to learn to read! Briana will be teaching Keara phonics, letter reconginition, shapes, colors and all that stuff that they learn in Kindergarten! Most days this week we have been done by 10 or so. Right now we are only learning Language Arts and Math. Starting pretty basic until September, then we will add in Science and History. Today we did do some Creation study! Got some nice books from the library on the story of Creation and we also read the first chapter in the book of Genesis. It was fun to talk about everything God created each day and what He did on the 7th day. Am hoping to teach like this throughout the year where I can take their history lessons back to the Bible. So for now it is working and I am working through my lesson plans. I have 2 kids' plans written for the next 6 weeks, just have to work on the little ones today and this weekend and be totally ready for a full blown week next week. For the most part, the kids have enjoyed it! Keara has gotten a little whiny here and there but nothing I can't handle. They have all started piano lessons again and we have implemented practice time in their school day, so by afternoon, if they are all done with their school work, they can play!!! YEAH!!! So we have enjoyed it, there have been days that the kids have tested me beyond belief, but I wouldn't trade this new role for ANYTHING!!!!! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We survived!

First day of school down, 179 some left to go! Ha,ha! It is going to be an interesting school year. We have some major tweeking to do to the schedule but I know with a little patience and some perseverence we can do it! Need to find some happy mediums when it comes to working with each kids individually, but that will come the more we do it! This morning is park time, where we meet with other homeschoolers at the park and the kids play and the moms talk, so we will have a small school time this morning and then hit the books again this afternoon. I am trying to keep the kids' afternoons free for rest, reading and play....but if we don't get anything accomplished in the morning, the we will have to school in the afternoon. That may be the way I have to work it with Briana and Mikayla. Give them free time in the morning and I work with Colby and Keara in the morning. Oh I have no idea what I am doing, still learning this whole thing myself. Each day is something new. Briana made carrot cake last night for dessert, all by herself. It was AWESOME!!!! I took pics so I will post them with this entry. Very impressed that she took it all on herself. She called my cell and asked me to pick her up 2 jars of carrot baby food so I did. I had to run into the dentist and then get milk afterward so I was at Wal-Mart at just the right time for her. Glad she is stepping up and wanting to do stuff like that. Pretty proud of my teenager!!! She isn't like most teenagers today! She has her moments, but don't we all???? Well I better get those pics posted and get my kids up for another school day! Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Filled to the brim......

with anxiety! I can hardly believe that the day has arrived for us to venture down the road less traveled! While I am excited for this new adventure, I am TOTALLY SCARED OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!! So many questions are running through my head and some many doubts! I know that it is Satan, doing a work on my mind. I will prevail, the Lord is leading us in the right direction and He will be there every step of the way. We are trying to get setup into a nightly routine again and tonight was the first step in that routine. At 8pm, we got on our knees in our babies room and said our family prayers (it has been months since we have done that), it felt so good to be in the presence of the Lord. WOW!!! Then it was time for the little ones to get pj's on, brush there teeth and still have time for a book of their choosing. Then it was off to bed for them. The older two headed to their rooms for reading or quiet time until their bed times. 9 and 10 respectively! M was in bed before 9. She was tired. It was a busy day of cleaning and hanging out! It was a very hot day outside and I didn't feel like sweating outside so I stayed in. C and K spent some time outside with the baby kittens this afternoon. We have 6 of them. 4 from one cat and 2 from another cat of ours. Lots of kittens to play with. The kids love them. I am trying to not be anxious for tomorrow because they are my own kids after all and I should be able to teach them, but it is still a very scary thought! So please be in prayer for me tomorrow that all goes well. It may be a very slack week as we try to get into a "routine" for school. Still waiting on one piece of curriculum from the school, social studies. That will come after the teachers are back in the building. I hope to post tomorrow how our day went. We will see.....for now, I am going to try and get some sleep so that I can wake early tomorrow morning and exercise and spend a little bit of time in the Word. Only with the Lord's help will I be able to do this! Have a blessed evening!
