Friday, August 7, 2009

First week down....

I can hardly believe that we have 1 week of school down already! Holy cow, it just FLEW by! We are SLOWLY settling into a routine, a strange one at that. But it is SO MUCH fun to work one on one with little ones and watch as they try to process something or not process it. I am watching Colby making big strides in reading (we have gone back to the basics and started over). That is his goal this year is to learn to read! Briana will be teaching Keara phonics, letter reconginition, shapes, colors and all that stuff that they learn in Kindergarten! Most days this week we have been done by 10 or so. Right now we are only learning Language Arts and Math. Starting pretty basic until September, then we will add in Science and History. Today we did do some Creation study! Got some nice books from the library on the story of Creation and we also read the first chapter in the book of Genesis. It was fun to talk about everything God created each day and what He did on the 7th day. Am hoping to teach like this throughout the year where I can take their history lessons back to the Bible. So for now it is working and I am working through my lesson plans. I have 2 kids' plans written for the next 6 weeks, just have to work on the little ones today and this weekend and be totally ready for a full blown week next week. For the most part, the kids have enjoyed it! Keara has gotten a little whiny here and there but nothing I can't handle. They have all started piano lessons again and we have implemented practice time in their school day, so by afternoon, if they are all done with their school work, they can play!!! YEAH!!! So we have enjoyed it, there have been days that the kids have tested me beyond belief, but I wouldn't trade this new role for ANYTHING!!!!! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

Flip-flop Mama said...

I am glad that it is going so well for you!