Sunday, August 2, 2009

Filled to the brim......

with anxiety! I can hardly believe that the day has arrived for us to venture down the road less traveled! While I am excited for this new adventure, I am TOTALLY SCARED OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!! So many questions are running through my head and some many doubts! I know that it is Satan, doing a work on my mind. I will prevail, the Lord is leading us in the right direction and He will be there every step of the way. We are trying to get setup into a nightly routine again and tonight was the first step in that routine. At 8pm, we got on our knees in our babies room and said our family prayers (it has been months since we have done that), it felt so good to be in the presence of the Lord. WOW!!! Then it was time for the little ones to get pj's on, brush there teeth and still have time for a book of their choosing. Then it was off to bed for them. The older two headed to their rooms for reading or quiet time until their bed times. 9 and 10 respectively! M was in bed before 9. She was tired. It was a busy day of cleaning and hanging out! It was a very hot day outside and I didn't feel like sweating outside so I stayed in. C and K spent some time outside with the baby kittens this afternoon. We have 6 of them. 4 from one cat and 2 from another cat of ours. Lots of kittens to play with. The kids love them. I am trying to not be anxious for tomorrow because they are my own kids after all and I should be able to teach them, but it is still a very scary thought! So please be in prayer for me tomorrow that all goes well. It may be a very slack week as we try to get into a "routine" for school. Still waiting on one piece of curriculum from the school, social studies. That will come after the teachers are back in the building. I hope to post tomorrow how our day went. We will see.....for now, I am going to try and get some sleep so that I can wake early tomorrow morning and exercise and spend a little bit of time in the Word. Only with the Lord's help will I be able to do this! Have a blessed evening!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your first day went great! We aren't starting until the week of Aug. 24th,recovering from fair week here today and doing absolutely nothing.