Monday, September 28, 2009

Another 2 weeks have gone by.....

Geesh! What has gotten into me???? Oh wait.....I am busy with my kids during the day and there is really not anything exciting going on in this household these days. School, church, volleyball, voice lessons, piano lessons. and just the busyness of life in general. Have left me literally EXHAUSTED!!! We are getting set to go camping one last time this up coming weekend. Except this time we are renting a nice size cabin (spending the extra money to have some fun together as a family) and heading out Friday afternoon and returning Monday around lunch time. The kids are excited to stay in a cabin that has a bathroom and beds to sleep in. We are staying down in Inwood, IA at a campground called Inspiration Hills. It is going to be a great time. We are planning on bringing games for the whole family to play, my kids have gotten hooked on this game called Payday that I had as a kid (this game is OLD, copyright is 1975.....they LOVE IT)!!!! We will be bringing the kids' bikes so that we will still be able to bike/walk. The weather should be fairly decent for the weekend. Cold at night but that is what the cabin is for. I am planning on taking my camera and taking TONS of pictures. Jason and I will celebrate 11 years of marriage on Saturday the 3rd so we wanted to do something together as a family and we wanted to camp one more time this season so we decided to go the extra mile and get a cabin instead. It will be a mini home away from home. I will post pics hopefully next week but none the less we are excited. We had a pretty relaxing weekend. Just working around the house trying to get the shed completed before winter. The siding is slowly going up a little at a time but it will be done before the snow flies, which the way it is feeling the last couple of days should be soon......UGH!!!
Yesterday we had 2 picnics to go to at the same time. That was a treat. We split our time between both and we are soooooo glad that we did. The first picnic was held by the pastor of the church that we are attending now and it was for new people. We went to meet the senior pastor and his family and some of the others in the church. It was such a blessing! The pastor's wife.....get this.....homeschools her kids and we had met at a mom's meeting back in wonder she looked familiar!!!! It is AMAZING how God has put it all together for us! The other really cool thing is that the pastor and his wife are really good friends with the former pastor of the church that we left. That was cool to find that out. It was just nice to be able to meet the pastor and talk face to face with him. Very nice, down to earth, easy to talk to guy and his wife is totally cool cuz.....well she homeschools her kids!!!! What is better than that!!! Then it was off to our new friends Paul and Anita for the neighborhood potluck! It was so much fun to meet neighbors that we hadn't previously met. Met a couple that live just around the corner from us, they have 2 small girls. Way cool! It was almost 9pm before we got home last night. Good thing that the kids are homeschooled and have a pretty lienent schedule! Not sure we would have stayed out so late last night otherwise....but it was such a great Sunday and such a blessing. God has shed a lot of light on things for us here and we just know that where we are at is where he has us for a reason. It is so cool how it has all come full circle for us! Okay well I suppose, I have to get a kid to volleyball practice! Until next time, have a wonderful week!


1 comment:

Flip-flop Mama said...

I am so glad things are going well for you!! How neat about the pastor. . .that's a God thing!! You can keep praying for us. . .crabby school girl in the evenings and not sure about churches.