Monday, September 7, 2009

my goodness.....

it has been a few weeks since my last posting. Today's posting is going to be short but hopefully will be able to post later in the week with some pics from our AWESOME weekend. Life is plugging along in the Bottelberghe household. We are still trying to iron out tweeks in our schooling, but each day does seem to get easier. The kids are loving the relaxed schedule, with the exception of my youngest child, who is still adement that she is going to go to BIG SCHOOL!!!! Hopefully that will change soon, the other 3 have told me they DO NOT want to go back to school! YEAH!!! So anyway....even though this is SO HARD, I wouldn't trade it for the world, and while we have good days, really good days, bad days and REALLY BAD DAYS, I know that this is exactly where I am suppose to be! I started teaching piano lessons last week again. And until we get into the swing of that, money is VERY VERY VERY tight right now. We have been dipping into our savings to get by the last month and a half. Thankfully I have 4 students so that will help once that gets rolling on a regular basis. Every little bit helps. LifeLight was this weekend and it was a glorious time as usual! Love the fact that we can hear great music and also hear great messages of what God is doing and how He is working in people's lives! I have some good pics so I will be posting those soon. Today we have family coming over to help get the finishing touches on the shed that we are building so that we can finally have a garage back. This coming weekend, we are hopefully going to be able to go camping one last time this year with a family who live about 3 miles from us and also homeschool there children. God has placed this woman in my life for a reason and I am forever grateful for that. This is both our first year as a homeschoolers. Her two oldest boys are the same age as Mikayla and Colby and her daughter is a couple of years younger than Keara. We are excited to not only go camping but to also hang out with some new friends. Briana is getting into the swing of volleyball and is enjoying that! Doesn't miss the school but does miss her friends. She will start voice lessons this week and she is very excited for that to start. Her voice teacher is a homeschooled graduate and a college graduate with her music degree. I am excited for her also. Church activities get under way this week, and I am super excited for that to start, excited to see what God has in store for my kids this coming year! Not only for the younger 3 but for Briana also as she embarks into youth group! God is going to do some AMAZING things in this family over the next several months and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds!!! Anyway....better get off the computer! Have a wonderful Labor Day and God Bless each and every one of you!!!!


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