Thursday, October 29, 2009

All we wait.....

The biopsy went very well yesterday, they were able to take from my sternum even though there was talk of biopsing my liver or lung, as there were abnormalities on my liver that showed up on the CAT scan. I had an AWESOME radiologist yesterday who came and talked to us yesterday and said that the lesion my liver was very small and that he would be better able to get to my sternum and take tissue from there. All in all, I think the procedure took about 1/2 hour, then it was off to recovery for 2 hours. Yesterday morning was a very hard morning on both Jason and I. Was dry heaving before our school day even started. I talked with a friend over the phone and she helped to put my mind at ease somewhat. The children got to hang out with friends of the family all day. Dr. Yousef was able to get a piece of tissue under my sternum and the bone shavings to send off for a path report. Yes, they went through my sternum bone. Thank goodness for good drugs. I was awake but felt nothing. I was a total basketcase the whole morning until talking to Dr. Yousef. When he left the room after talking to me, Jason and Char (Jason's mom) about what he was going to do. I felt the greatest sense of peace overcome me. God was there, He had totally answered our prayers. Mine and Jason's prayer was that the Dr. would be able to biopsy the sternum and not anything else. We are still holding onto a mircle that the biopsy will come back negative. Those results will be back in 24-48 hours. So hopefully by tomorrow we will know something. My friend Anita, stopped this morning with pink roses for me for my birthday and to talk. She also stopped over because God told her to come and to pray over me and to place her hand over my sternum. That was truly amazing. As she prayed, I felt even more at peace that God was here and He is working in many lives right now including mine and my families. God is up to something and He is up to something BIG! Her and I both sense that, along with many other people. Even if the tests come back positive, I know that He is still up to something BIG! I am not giving up on my Him or my faith. This has been a hard hard week, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Today is a day of recovering. I have a bit of pain at the sight but other than that, I am doing okay. Many people have come along side of us during this journey and many, many people are praying for us right now. That helps tremendously! Thank you to everyone! Today is my 35th birthday! WOW!! 35! I wouldn't trade it for the world! Each day is a gift and I am realizing that more and more each day.

Thank you Lord Jesus for today! Thank you for the people who surround my family at this time. Lord, I don't know what You are up to but I know that it is something BIG! Please continue to guide each of us and continue to be our solid rock we walk on. Protect me, my family and those around us today and always! In Your Holy Precious name, Amen


Jolene said...

You are my inspiration! You continue to amaze me with your strength, courage and faith. I know you don't always feel that way, but you display that in your overall character. God is not done with you yet, my Dear!

Joshua 1:9 (my 2nd favorite verse)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, even under hard circumstances. You're a baby at 35 girl :)