Sunday, November 15, 2009

Road tripping.....

We have spent more time in the car this weekend then out but it has all been well worth it to go and pay my respects to my wonderful uncle. We are abut an hour from home right now and it has been a long day. I wouldn't be the least bit disappointed if I traveled anywhere for a very long time. It was great to see my cousins and aunts and uncles again. It was just great to be surrounded by family during this difficult time. I faired well during the funeral, I cried mostly during the eulogy. And I was fine at the gravesite until they started to sing Amazing Grace. Then I lost it, the song was half over with before I had enough composure to sing along. Today has been a day for remembering memories of my uncle. The many wonderfull things about him. He was always so happy and upbeat. He will truly be missed by many, especially his kids and grandkids. I will forever miss him, and I know that he is always with us in spirit. God knew what He was doing last Monday when I was told that chemo would have to be pushed off for 1 more week. I wouldn't have been able to attend the funeral. I thank the Lord that there are many silver linings to the last week of my life. Now it is time to refocus and start my fight. It is what my uncle would want me to do. He would want me to focus on me and get ready to do what I need to do to get rid of the cancer again. So tomorrow is patient teaching for chemo, Wednesday is dr's appt. for the surgeon and the oncologist and then Friday morning at 8:30 I will begin my first treatment with my husband by my side. It will take about 5 hours for the first treatment as the first time around they always have to take things slow to make sure you don't have an adverse reaction to the drugs. It is going to be a long week, not sure how much schooling we will get in this week but that is okay, that is the art and joy of homeschooling. We march to our own tune!!! The kids are still learning just not in a traditional sort of way! I wouldn't want it any other way! Have a blessed Sunday evening! I will keep posting anything new either here, Facebook or my caringbridge website. here is the address again in case you didn't get the email :)

Take care!


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