Sunday, May 18, 2008

A work weekend......

Phase 1 began on the chicken coop this weekend. We got Phase 1 completed! Thankfully and I believe that the chickens are happy to have a bigger pen to roam in and I must say it isn't such an eye sore anymore. I thought I had some before pics but I guess not so you will have to just enjoy the "after" pictures.

Phase 2 will begin sometime this week or so on the other half of the shed to accommodate butcher chickens. Yes we are going to raise chickens to eat not just for eggs like we have had this past year! I don't know if I will ever look at chickens the same again but if it means that I know where my chickens are coming from then I guess I will have to do it this way. Runnings in Brookings will be getting in more layers and butchers this week, so we will be getting them this week sometime. We will be adding 10 more layers to the 16 we already have (of course they will grow with the butchers in the other pen until they are old enough to go in with the full grown chickens) and I am not sure how many butchers we are going to get but quite a few as the in-laws are going to get some also. Should be an interesting summer of chickens. Something new for me and the kids.

And the last part of the weekend was this evening when we got Keara's new bed into her room. The only problem is the frame is bigger than the mattress so Jason will need to adjust it to fit which is not a big deal. She was very excited to see her new bed all set up! It should be an interesting night for her as she has never slept in a bed that didn't have at least one part of it against the wall. I find it amazing how fast my children are growing up. We are slowly getting out of all toddler stages right now. She has been staying dry every night for a few weeks now but we are still wearing pullups at night until I know for sure that she is ready for the big girl panties. She is growing up way to fast for me! It makes me sad some days but happy on other days. Thanks Jodi Gloe, Keara will enjoy her new bed.

Doesn't she look like she will get lost in this bed????? :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keara you look really small in that bed, but I hope you enjoy it.