Hard to believe that 2011 is behind us and we are entering into a new year and a new chapter. It is funny how quickly time passes by these days. I am reminded each and every day how short life really is and how quickly ones health can take a turn for the worse or your life could be over with. With that I am also reminded that God's promises are new each and every day. While I still have much to learn, I am yearning to get back in step with Him, kind of like how it was when I first accepted Christ. Lately I have let the world, worldly things and loved ones take me away from that closeness. It is time to turn my back on that and focus on Him....putting Him first. It is my own fault that I have allowed all those things to take first place in my life so it is also my choice to turn from those things and focus on Him. As a Christian we have an image to uphold, but what many who aren't Christians don't get is that even though we are professed followers of Christ....we are still HUMAN, which means, we still make mistakes, we still stumble and fall and yes we even on occasion turn our backs on Christ briefly. I don't profess to have all the answers, nor do I profess to be perfect, because I am not, I still make mistakes, I still stumble and fall, but yet I get right back up, dust myself off and put my focus back where it needs to be....on Christ. So in this new year, I am going to try and put my focus on the Cross, look up when times get tough (because they will, we are never immune from tough times) and get back on track when I stumble.
In this coming year, may each and everyone of you learn what it is like to have a true, personal relationship with the ONE who created you and gave you life. May you make the committment to follow Him and only Him. He is the way, the truth and the Life.....no one gets to the Father except through Him. You can't get to heaven by how many prayers you say, how good you are, or how much you give. Only through Christ can you make it to Eternity!
My prayer is that all my loved ones will seek Christ in 2012 and make the committment and turn your back on all that is false.