Saturday, May 3, 2008

Preschooler Entertainment

This is what Colby and Keara can do for entertainment in this house when mom is busying herself with things other than little people. They thought it would be cool to put the My Little Pony on the frig since one of its hooves has a magnet on it!

Then I was in the kitchen making cookies and I could hear them in the laundry room talking about "it exploding" so I peek around the corner and they are looking into the washing machine as it was on it's final spin. I couldn't resist taking a picture of them looking into it. Those two are so comical! To boot they have a tendency to get along much better when the older two are not around, hmmm....wonder why that is!

Check out our dog and 1 of the cats, she loves to go into the kennel and drink from Midnite's water dish, crazy animals. Of course the other cat hardly ever ventures from the shed unless there are no people or animals around to disturb him, strange sometimes!

Enjoy the pictures! Also in case you were wondering about the spring program video, I can't seem to get it to upload. I am thinking about putting it on youtube and then putting it on here, but that remains to be seen, so for the time being no spring program until I can get it figured out! Have a wonderful Saturday! For those of you who live in South Dakota, try to not BLOW AWAY!!!! ;-)


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