Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Okay so again it has been awhile....

Gosh, golly gee! Where in the world does time go? I have some down time right now while the kids finish up lunch chores and then go outside for some "recess" time and then back in to finish up the "school" day! It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Life has been clicking right along and our children are adjusting BEAUTIFULLY!!!! I am always excited to see them get excited about things with school, but also frustrated when they don't "get" something that I think is so simple. That is where my patience comes in, patience that I lack so much! I am praying about it and hoping that God will show me it soon!!!! After much thoughts, praying and struggles with our church situation we have finally landed at a church we feel will grow and stretch us more as individuals and as a family unit. The children are in AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed 2 Timothy 2:15) at this church, this is a program that I have wanted my kids in for a long, long time. I had this as a kid and I found it to be a great program. Writing scripture on your heart and living it out in your daily life is very critical to the Christian walk. I see that holding true with my kids as we work daily on our memory verses. It is fun to see the excitement in their eyes when they have finally memorized a particular verse. We talk about the memory verse and as we really get going we are going to also take it a step further and figure out how we can "live it out" in our day to day lives. We are listening to the New Testament on CD everyday in our schooling and the kids are always excited to listen to someone else read scripture. I am amazed at the things taking place in our household. God is here and He is in the midst of each day! We still struggle and we still have our fighting moments but we are working through them daily. I am excited to see what He does with this family over the course of this school year! It is always something new daily.
This past weekend we had the opportunity to go camping with new friends. I can't even begin to describe our weekend with them. It was AMAZING how God has brought our families together! This is both our first year homeschooling our kids. They have 3 kids, we have 4. Their older two are the same age as Mikayla and Colby and their youngest is 2 years younger than Keara. Great Christians, and I know that there is a reason that God placed this family in our lives. Our kids got along and had such a blast together even though they have never been together before. Our husbands have LOTS in common and the cool part: they only live 4 miles from us. YEAH!!!! We had some bible time around the campfire Sunday morning and then a discussion and then prayer. What an awesome experience to be in the wide open and feeling God's presence. Our oldest daughter was a completely different person all weekend. She hung out with the adults, played games with the adults and had a totally different personality! I was in awe of this new person. She was the most wonderful, awesome, personable, engaging young lady. She played bean bags and crochet with the adults, hung around the campfire with the adults and yes she did even play with the kids. It was cool to watch her. Anyway....life is busy as usual! Volleyball is in full swing, voice lessons for Briana just started last week and she is loving them, AWANA is underway and the kids are loving that. Piano lessons are underway and I am enjoying them. I placed an ad this week for more students so we will see what the Lord does with that. I am not worried about it any longer. What He does is up to Him, I will follow His lead. If it is His will, I will get more students, if it is NOT His will, I will not get more. Either way....it is up to Him and I have to be okay with whatever He brings my way! For now.....that is all.....busy, busy, busy! But I wouldn't want it any other way.....

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