Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vacation Day 7

Today we left Crescent City and headed south toward Petaluma where we stopped and spent an overnight visit with my mom's brother.  It was so good to see my aunt and uncle and two cousins. I haven't seen my aunt or one of my cousins in over 20 years and my uncle and other cousin in over 10.  It was great to catch up and just relax for a few hours.  We did the Drive Thru Tree in Leggett on our travel this day.  Our car was too big to drive thru it so Jason and the kids walked through it.  I have been through the tree before so I took pictures of them.  See did the scenic highway 1 and although it was very pretty, it was very windy and curvy and slow driving.  The kids have been pretty good troopers when we have long drive days.  By the end of the day...we are all spent and on each other's last nerves.  :) but that's what vacations are all about sometimes.  Enjoy the pictures!


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