Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another new edition to our family.......

Yesterday we went to Minneota, MN to visit Jason's uncle and to pick up something that he has at his place. Two female goats. The children have not named them yet and they of course could possibly be pregnant. Leo didn't know for sure. We decided to get the goats because for one his uncle has many of them and for two it will save me about 2 hours of mowing. Today was spent trying to put their area up but of course that didn't work with just two of us trying to do it. So they are still in a make shift area until we can get their area all taken care of. They are very skitish of us but we are hoping over time they will get used to us. We told the kids to take their time with the goats and let them get used to them. Don't make any sudden moves but to just be calm around them. Colby loves them and is always wanting to be in the pen with them. It is funny. We took lots of pictures of the kids with the goats. So enjoy the pics. Oh and another thing.....our tom cat has come back around our place since all the kittens have died. So I am sure that it is just a matter of time before she is pregnant again. This time we WILL be ready. Thanks Barb for the comment, we will definetly be watching the area were we buried the dead kittens. I am hoping that the next time she will be a better mama. Anyway...for now enjoy the pictures.


Feeding the goats at Leo's house!

The lucky ones that got to go home with us!!!

Their make shift home for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boer goats? We have Nubians and milk our female goat, delicious. I am liking goats more and more all the time :)Got them for 4H and have decided to keep them for our own dairy usage. They are so cute, but will eat any and every tree in sight, so we have to be very careful, if they eat John's trees, they'll have to leave. Have fun! BTW, I've got 6 kitties that could use a new home, want to run down and get a few? :)