Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Here are the pictures that I promised. Enjoy!! :-)

Her new PureNRG CD (teen group that are Christian singers can't go wrong there)

Her new "pocket" bible that she has been asking for for about a year now. (I think it was a hit)!

Her new sandles for church (can you tell she LOVES them?)

Her #8 Precious Moment that she gets every year from her grandparents

The necklace that her grandparents gave her.

She really had a good day! She got to do pretty much everything that she wanted to except swim (she was too tired) and go for a 4 wheeler ride (we ran out of time), I will post another entry with more pics from her special day! As she said, she wishes that everyday was her birthday, I told her then it wouldn't be so special if it was everyday! She didn't care, she still wanted it everyday! Have a good day!


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