Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She's off!

***Written 7/21/08 posted 7/22/08******

And about 1/2 her bedroom with her. Whom am I talking about? Well Briana of course! She left for church camp yesterday and won't return home until Friday afternoon! She was very excited and had a hard time sleeping Saturday night. She has been looking forward to this since church camp got over with last year! I am excited for her as I never experienced church camp as a teenager! Here are a couple of pics we took before we dropped her off at a friends house to make the journey to Swan Lake down in Viborg. She wasn't the only one who packed her bedroom! It is going to be a quiet week around here but one that I think will be good for all of us! Please pray for Briana this week. Pray for safety, pray for God to bring her closer to Him but most of all pray that He will change her heart in profound ways. She has accepted Christ as her personal Savior but I am hoping that camp will change some of her attitudes that she doesn't seem to want to let go of. Have a great week!


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