Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last night was AMAZING! The whole day was awesome and I have pics but it will be tomorrow before I will post any pics. This is going to be a quick entry, I have to get ready for the outdoor church service this morning at LifeLight! Jason and I have had the time of our lives! The weather was hot and windy but God let that sun shine down upon us and the music was phenomenal. When Michael W. Smith got on stage and started his show with "Open the eyes of my heart", I got chills, I could feel God's presence. It was the most amazing thing, and it is so hard to explain when you get 150,000 to 200,000 people in one location and not all are believers in Jesus Christ you can feel the Holy Spirit's presence on the grounds. So many different walks of life. As the body of believer's we make up the church, there to save the lost. Alan Greene was telling the audience last night about what had happened at the Souled Out Stage Friday night (the SO stage is the stage where they are reaching our youth). During on the bands performance last night literally 100's of kids ran to the cross and drop to their knees and committed their lives to Christ. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the power of this festival and all that it mean to so many people and it's turn purpose. To bring the church outside the walls and reach the lost! Amazing! I had the chance yesterday to also spend with my #1 daughter. Her and I are reaching a different stage in our lives and you can tell. Our relationship is growing stronger every day, we are open and honest with each and we can laugh together more and more.
Thank you Lord for this amazing girl you placed in my life to teach Your will for her life! I love you for being a part of my life and loving me no matter where I have been or what I have done. Unconditionally!
I will post pics tomorrow from the weekend. Today wraps up with many of favorite bands, including Casting Crowns who will close the festival tonight. They have the most amazing music. One of their songs "East to West" is on my blog music if you care to take a listen! Have a blessed Sunday and many God bless you richly today!


1 comment:

Kath- said...

AMAZING!!!! Church was really quiet today and then relized that it was due to Life Light. I wish I was there to see Casting Crowns tonight they are one of my favorites!! Have a great week :)