Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another experiment!

On my quest for a GREAT bread recipe, I have tried another one. The last two loaves that I made were good and the kids LOVED it, but I thought it was alot of work! So I checked out this book last week from the library called Old-Fashioned baking (or something like that) had a TON of recipes from breads to muffins to cakes (and I am on a quest for a homemade cake recipe), so anyway....I found a potato bread recipe in this book and my DH was peeling potatoes for dinner tonight and had one extra so I decided that it would be potato bread for my next two loaves. WOW, what work there is to making bread! DH being the smarty pants that he is....decided to stand on the other side of the counter and watch me. I was complaining about my wrist hurting as I was kneading the dough and he said.....aren't you glad you didn't live 100 years ago, you would be doing this daily!! My response was "shut-up". Okay so not really a very respectful response to him, but I was rather irritated! Anyway...the bread rose beautifully and baked great, as for taste, I don't know. That has yet to be determined! I thought I would post some pics of before baking and after. We are seriously considering investing in a bread machine but haven't fully decided on it yet or not. We will see. Fall ball begins for Briana tomorrow so for the next 5 weeks our Sundays will be consumed with double header games in the afternoons! That along with volleyball practice daily and games 2 days a week and then clubs/bible study will start up again this Wednesday night for us that I don't know of a night that our family will be around. I will be glad for volleyball/fall ball and any other kind of sport to be over with and some normalcy to come back to our family, oh and did I mention that in the midst of all that running around Jason is doing 2 (yes count them 2) side jobs after work and on Saturdays. I am very much ready for those two be done with. The extra money is nice right now but I would rather have him home than the money. What does the bible say...."the love of money is the root of all evil". for thought! Have a great Saturday evening!!


PS while I am thinking about it....a lot of these recipes call for shortening, I don't use shortening (I don't even keep the stuff in my house for that matter) because it has hydrogenated oils in them and I try to stay away from that as much as possible so my question is this (and please leave me a comment on here or email me) what can I use in place of shortening?



Look at those UGLY pants! HMMM....he is reading the cookbook I checked out from the library. What I will have to make next for him????? ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can use oil. I make 5 loaves at a time and use 1/2 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of olive or canola oil. I actually prefer the olive oil. Also use 12 cups of fresh ground wheat flour, yeast, and gluten. Yummy, I love fresh bread. Not any work at all with the Bosch machine :) it does ALL the kneading for you! Gotta love it, and I use it for making homemade butter out of the cream I get from the raw dairy.