Monday, September 8, 2008


The potato bread was fabulous! It tasted just like the stuff you would buy in the store (or so I think as I haven't ever bought potato bread, too expensive). But I love the flavor and the texture! And the best kids LOVED it!!! hee,hee!

Our kittens are growing like a bunch of weeds. They will be 3 weeks on Wednesday. I need to take pictures of them. We have 1 boy and 2 girls. Boots, Peanut and Coco (BTW Boots is the boy) :0)

My preschooler had a fantastic day at school today! She had attitude when we got to school but once she stepped into the building she was great! I was so proud of her and told her so when I dropped her off at daycare.

After we got home from school, I suddenly had the onset of a migraine (or the beginnings of one). I picked the teenager up from volleyball practice around 5, came home, fixed some food (leftovers as much as I could scrounge up), ate, took 3 ibuprofen and the last shot of my Diet Mountain Dew and curled up on the couch and caught a nap as the older two did their evening kitchen chores and the younger two headed outside to help dad work on the goat pen. When I woke up about a 1/2 hour later my head was a bit better! I really hate headaches, they suck the LIFE OUT OF ME!!! My poor husband and what he has to endure when I have a headache! Sometimes they are so bad that the only thing I can do is go to bed with ice packs around my head. I have a remedy that seems to help at least it has the last few times I have had a bad headache. 3 ibuprofen and a can of coke. I totally hate coke but the sugar in coke and the stuff in the ibuprofen seem to do something to my headache. CRAZY!!!

I am off to bed now, I think my husband is done being occupied by his tv so I am going to go and spend some time with him! Have a wonderful Monday evening!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathi,

This is Candace. How have you been? It has been forever since I last talked to you. I was just reading your post today and I have to tell you. I experience migraines too and up until 1 year ago they were excruciating. I went to the doc and got this wonderful drug called MaxAlt. The meltaway ones. In half an hour usually the migraine is gone or subsided anyway. Just thought I would let you know that. It may just help.

Take Care,
