Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home Coming Day #2

So can you guess what today's theme was??????

As you can tell today was injury day! The kids had a blast dressing up for this! It was so funny to see all the kids (pre-k thru 12) and what they could come up with for injury day! Keara didn't have preschool today so she didn't get to dress up so she was really disappointed! I also missed all afternoon at work because I had to go to the doctor to find out that I have a UTI. What a painful day it has been! Thankfully I have antibotics and will be on the mend in a few days! I have to stay away from caffeine for the next 10 days because of the meds but I think that I will survive as long as I don't have to endure that kind of pain anymore!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow......there are two different themes because of the different levels in school, Middle Schoolers are doing something different! Briana will prove to make you laugh! Have a great night!


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