Wednesday, September 24, 2008

HomeComing Day #3

Okay so can you guess what the elementary kids theme was today? It was a crazy day in preschool! Our preschoolers were all over the place, we think it is because of the change of clothes! are the pics of the younger kids!

Now for the oldest child.....can you guess what her theme was???? She did a fantastic job picking out her outfit to go with the theme!

So did you figure out what they all were today?

Not to hard to figure out that the elementary kids was pajama day, Briana's theme for today was Hip/Hop day!!!

Anyway....tomorrow is yet another theme! Stay tuned!


BTW I think it is pretty cool being in a school district that has a Pre-K thru 12 school where the students are all under one roof, then we all get to participate in homecoming activities! :0)

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