Sunday, April 12, 2009


What a Glorious Resurrection day! I have made a movie to show how our weekend was. It was a great weekend spent at home and with family! Today is just a leisure day at home watching movies that the kids got for Easter. The Easter Bunny DID NOT visit us. We are instilling the true meaning of the holidays in our children. They get to hunt for eggs that we hid and get prize baskets from us. They were excited to go hunting for eggs again. They got to do that at Grandma Bottelberghe's yesterday and they had a blast. We are blessed to have family close by to spend time with. I must say though, this post by MckMama was by far the best way to describe what Easter means to the Christians. I encourage you to click the link and check out her post for today! I follow her blog, she is a follower of Christ and you can tell that just by her posts and what she is going through with her son right now. She gives Him, the only way to Heaven, all the glory for what their family is going through. I hope that you are all having a blessed Easter and remembering that the Tomb is empty for He is not dead, but HE IS RISEN INDEED!!!

Enjoy the Easter movie! (you will need to pause the blog music to hear the movie)


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