Friday, April 3, 2009

Plugging away.....

Again it has been awhile since I last posted. Things have been busy around here as usual. Colby, Mikayla and I have been battling the "crud" this week, all 3 of us are finally starting to feel much better today. It has been a long week to say the least. I am glad that today is Friday and it is the weekend to rest and relax. Oh wait a second, there is no such thing as relaxing and resting in this family. It is a constantly go, go, go!!! Laundry, cooking, cleaning and everything else inbetween. An update on Colby, he is still surviving his "strict" diet and I am happy to report that after 3 weeks into this he has only had 2 headaches. Mikayla on the other hand hasn't been so lucky, she has had 7. We have just a little over a week until we can start to reintroduce things back into their diet, for now things are working. We seeing some trends for Mikayla that lead us to believe that she is more prone to headaches when the weather changes and due to the fact that she has allergies and asthma. I can report for myself that I have only had 1 headache over the course of this trial and it was just this week when I was feeling pretty crummy. So I blame it on my head cold more than anything else. We are counting down to the end of the school year. 6 weeks and 2 days left of school. YES!!!! I am done teaching piano lessons in 6 weeks, take the summer off and start again in September with possibly 8 students. Should be good. We have joined our local Christian Homeschool group this past week and have paid our registration fee to attend the homeschooling conference in Sioux Falls next month. Jason and I are both pretty excited for the conference. We still haven't decided on curriculum yet, but aren't really fretting about that quite yet. I am okay with it, the Lord will lead us in the right direction. We do know that Colby and Keara will be in 1st grade together in the fall. We feel that this is the best thing for both of them. Keara will pick up quick what she is behind her brother on and Colby will be able to finally learn at his own pace instead of being pushed beyond his limits because of the standards set by the school district. We will have to test them next year in 2nd grade and that will be the true test for how they are developing. For the here and now, we are concentrating on one year at a time. We will see where the Good Lord leads us at the end of next year. I am amazed to see how God has put it all into place for us, we are truly blessed by His presence. We know that this is the right decision and that we will be okay. He will see us thru the tough times ahead, and even though the economy is kind of crappy right now, we have seen Him work in ways that we never imagined. We are blessed to have Jason at the company that he works for, and that they are keeping him busy. We are blessed that I am able to teach piano lessons and that people are still willing to have their children in those types of "luxuries" so that I will also be able to draw a "paycheck". God is good. Have a wonderful weekend!


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