Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Welcome 2010!!! May this be a glorious year in the Bottelberghe household. I haven't blogged much lately except the randome stuff here and there. Nothing much going on in our lives. We went back to school on the 4th and we are STILL trying to get back into a routine again. Hopefully this week will be better. The middle two kids will go back to "school" at Anita's house 2 days a week starting tomorrow. I am still enduring chemo every week for 2 weeks and then a week off. Our CT scan showed great progress so far and that is such a huge weight lifted off me. This weekend has been a weekend of staying warm and relaxing as much as possible. I have broken out in some sort of funky rash on my cheeks and my hands. Thinking it is from the chemo but not really sure. It is sore and red. Looks like a very dry skin that is trying to heal after putting lotion on it but not sure. My brother, his wife and 4 kids paid us a visit yesterday and spent the night and left around lunch time today. I haven't seen Mike in a year and 1/2 so it was nice to spend some time with him and "catch" up! I got to see Jodi and the kids this summer but it was nice to see them all together and hang out! We were amazed at how well our kids just got into their groove together. You would never have guessed that they hadn't seen each other in a few months. They always get along so well and really enjoy each other's company. It was so fun to hear the laughter/giggles from the little people this morning. Thanks for coming to visit us and catch up Enright's!! Next time it will be us coming that way for a visit!! :) We went to Dells this afternoon to see the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squekuel. What a cute movie. The kids really enjoyed the movie and so did Jason and I! It was a nice break to the day. We are all tired in this household tonight and so it may be an early night as we have school tomorrow. Hopefully I will have some exciting stuff to blog soon. Who knows! For now, know that we are still around, we are just busy with "life". I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend!


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