Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rummage Sales

Now I know why I never have one (aside from the fact that I live in the country approximately 7 miles from town) but the hassle of it all and the work that it takes. Well there is no turing back now or else my husband might have a problem with me. I'm having a rummage sale at my MIL's house next Friday and just getting everthing down, cleaned and marked is already giving me a headache. BUT.....it needs to be done. I can't believe how much stuff a family of 6 can accumulate over the years. We just had a sale a year ago and it seems that we have more stuff now than we did then. We are a "needs" sort of people. My head is hurting from all the things that I have been doing with all of our "stuff". So I have stepped away from it until probably tomorrow. Besides I have to get my computer area back in order after I got this hairbrain idea to get rid of the computer desk (again for the rummage sale) and put our 2 computers on one long table and that way have internet access for both computers (one for the chidlren of course and the other for me).....anyway......I digress anyway all my stuff from my computer desk is now on my couch and all over my window ledge. I better get that taken care of or else......

Oh yeah......still trying to LIVE OUT LOUD each and everyday. My God bless you today in whatever you are doing!


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