Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving family and friends! I am sitting here at Jason's laptop, listening to Briana's MP3 player with only me and my thoughts! Everyone is still sleeping which is okay last night was crazy! It was rehearsal and then dinner, the kids did awesome and I think they are ready for the wedding tomorrow. I am not sure I am ready to play, I know my pieces and I know I can play them but will my fingers and nerves be calm enough for me to survive!

I have much to be thankful for this year. I have Jason and my 4 kids, a relationship with my parents, I have my brother, his wife and their 4 beautiful kids whom I love with all my heart, I have my other brother and his kids, I have my in-laws, I have some very close wonderful friends in my life and I have Jesus my solid rock, my constant, never changing Savior. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have all these wonderful precious things in my life. So today as you gather with family/friends/strangers or whoever, thank God for the blessing of them. Be thankful today for everything in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly! They are really blessings in disguise we sometimes just don't want to realize it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and try not to each to much food today!

We will be spending Thanksgiving at Jason's parents and then home for a good night's sleep then back to Brookings for the wedding! It is going to be a fast couple of days! I will post after the wedding and hopefully have some pics for everyone!

I love you all and pray you have a great and safe holiday!


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