Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Late Start!!!

We have no school today! They just called it because the weather is just getting worse. It is raining (freezing rain of course) right now, so I am not sad that we don't have school, I will be able to get things done today like laundry!!!!! My biggest PET PEEVE!!!! Enjoy the day!! :0) we will!

We have a two hour late start for school this morning which is just fine with me because Tuesdays (in the morning anyway) are my most dreaded day of the week so there will be no morning preschool which means I can breathe easy this morning and take a load off my mind! So we are home for a little while playing and relaxing before our day will officially begin!! :0)

We had freezing rain over night so the roads are a bit messy! From the sounds of it we're to get some snow later today. That's okay with me, I guess! Better get winter started now instead of later! It is down right cold here and I am just plain tired of that yuck already and that are still many more months to go!!!! Oh well!

I sold my treadmill last night for a nice chunk of change so I am pretty siked about that! I decided that all it was doing was collecting dust and really just in the way of the kids play area downstairs, not to mention when have a really used it in the last 6-12 months, maybe (if I am lucky) a dozen times. That was the indication that is was time to go!!!! So I listed it on craigslist Saturday and a couple came over last night and bought it! That was easy!!! Too bad other things in life weren't as easy!

Anyway...not much else going on in our lives right now, pretty boring! Still trying to figure out what God wants us to do. To school or not to school, that is the question. I believe I know the answer already but will still continue to pray about it. I am so tired of watching my kids fall thru the cracks of the school system and teachers in our district that don't really care. Scary thought considering that I work with all of these teachers on a daily basis. Very frustrating!!!!! So please continue to pray for God to lead us in His direction not the direction that we would wish to go! It is not about what we want out of life but instead what He wants for us to get out of life!!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!



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